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The Legend of the Unicorn's Horn

The Legend of the Unicorn's Horn

Once upon a time, deep in an enchanted forest, there lived a magnificent white unicorn named Luna. Luna's coat shimmered like silver and her hooves were as golden as the sun. But Luna's most special feature was her long, pearly horn that sparkled like a Rainbow.
According to legend, a unicorn's horn holds magical powers. It was said Luna's horn had the power to heal the sick and injured and make poisoned waters pure again. One day, an evil witch grew jealous of Luna's power.
Under the cover of darkness, the witch crept into the forest looking for Luna. When she found the unicorn sleeping under her favorite starry night tree, the witch cast a sleeping spell to keep Luna in a deep slumber. Luna's shining horn right off her head Luna awoke with a start, but it was too late—her horn was already in the witch's grasp. Luna was heartbroken without her horn and the forest creatures missed the magical healing it provided But Luna soon discovered that while her horn held special powers, the magic was actually within her all along...
How's that? I tried to include some classic fairy tale elements like an enchanted forest, an evil witch, and a magical unicorn. for you.